Monday, June 18, 2012

I've Been Away....

Dear fellow liberals,

I've been away for quite some time for two main reasons.  First: for some reason, Blogspot/Blogger decided to hide the "New Post" button from me for a long time and second: I just moved.  I am now located in the wonderful town of York, where I will finish my high school career.

Just a couple of updates: in my absence, I was recently a part of the American Legion Cornhusker Boys' State, where I was one of about 20 liberals in a sea of 400+ conservatives.  It was a wild ride, to say the least.  During my time, I actually heard someone defend George W. Bush and his "decision" to illegally invade a foreign country on a smokescreen principle.  He said stuff like *quote*: "Well, what would you have done?"  My eyes began to twitch and I had to leave the conversation.  I was also a part of the Boys' State Legislature, where I heard a new kind of stupid.  For example, somebody proposed a bill that would eliminate the income tax BUT, to "make up for lost revenue", it would jack up the sales tax by about 3%.  I was outraged, and the bill was thankfully postponed indefinitely.  Another bill, this time a bill that passed, would move the use of a wireless communication device while driving up from a secondary offense to a primary offense, which I generally support.  However, it exempted the use of CB radios, saying that it was safe because it *quote* "used a wire and is vital to truckers".  Now, the stupid in that is subtle, but present nonetheless.

The bill that outraged me most, though, was a bill proposed by one of the nominees for Boys' Nation.  It was an energy independence bill that was really just another way of saying "how stupid can I be?".  The main problem with this bill was its advocation for the drilling and mining process for shale oil.  Now, there are three main problems with this. First: there is no shale oil in the state of Nebraska.  Second: the shale oil that is in the United States is mostly on federal land (national parks, things like that).  Third: shale oil, if I am correct, is actually more costly than crude oil and less dependable.  However, I'm not 100% sure about problem #3, as I haven't done extensive areas of expertise (even somewhat) are education and healthcare.  This dreaded bill, after two days of heated debate, passed by a narrow margin.

In short, my experience at CBS was nothing short of fantastic.  Although I must admit, I am a little tired of playing politics.

I shall sign off now and continue watching my movie, which at the moment is nothing other than Grandma's Boy. If you haven't seen it, find it and watch it ASAP. It's awesome.


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