I have a complaint: homophobia. Homophobia has become one of the most rampant issues in today's world, and it really makes no sense to me. Homosexuality occurs several times in nature, but nobody's putting a grasshopper to death for screwing another male grasshopper, so why does it really matter as far as humans go? And don't even bring up the Bible. Folks, the Bible is just a book filled with bigoted hatred and Bronze Age idiocy. It holds no truth that can be found and it certainly has no place in today's society; but again, why does homosexuality really matter?
In America, we have this lovely thing called the First Amendment, which says *quote*: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Yet we continually pass laws in this country that essentially make homosexuality illegal. Again, why? America is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, but now it's become the land of the oppressed people (except for all straight white Christian males). It kind of defeats the original intention of the Founding Fathers.
Anyway, back to bigotry: what has given rise to this sudden increase of such hate? Personally, I blame the Religious Right, which constantly fills the heads of children/teenagers with mindless drivel about how "homosexuality is wrong!" but then fails to pay attention to the "fact" that it's also wrong to plant two different seeds in the same field, to wear clothing made of two different fibers (Sorry JC Penny), to eat shellfish (Sorry people from Maine), to eat pig (Sorry Nebraska) and to work on the Sabbath (Which apparently God himself got rid of about a thousand years later). So at the very least, these Christian assholes are cherry-picking their own holy text.
Bigotry is something that I myself have been faced with on several occasions, the most recent of which being just a few minutes ago. A bigot's attack usually follows the same format: insult, misspell every other word, state completely blatant lies, insult again, use the word "fagget" [sic]; lather, rinse, repeat. So, in other words, it's just parroted hatred taught to them by none other than their parents. It's something that just doesn't make a whole lot of sense when put into context. There's no real originality in a bigot's attack, but it's still just as dumb and meaningless.
Sometimes I question whether or not a homophobe really believe what s/he is saying, or if s/he is just trying to act that way in order to fit in with his/her group of equally close-minded friends. But, more often than not, they do, in fact, believe every word of their hateful bile. It sickens me to think that people actually think that way.
One of the homophobe's worst nightmares is the mere mention of the LGBT community. They'll often say something along the lines of "wat [sic]? A communitty [sic] of faggets [also sic]? That's disgusting to even think about!" But seriously, what's wrong with a community of like-minded people? It's the same thing as someone saying "What? A community of white heterosexual males? How repulsive! I shall bomb every one of them!" You'll notice how absurd that last statement is, and it is not by accident that it appears so. I'm trying to illustrate the double standard that most of these people exhibit.
In the case of the teenage male homophobe, I find a very evident double standard. Most teenage boys enjoy watching lesbian porn, but the minute they see two men hugging in a parking lot, they whip out their Bibles and pistol-whip anyone who will listen. It's horrific, disgusting, and hateful to even think about what the average homophobe thinks.
Well, I've pretty much bitched enough; it's past my bedtime. After all, I have a speech meet tomorrow morning, and I have to be well-rested. Because, you know, I'm busy being successful in my high school career, whereas the homophobes are probably getting drunk. Which is funny, because they're underage.
All of this, and more, comrade. All of this and more.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I dislike your opinion on the Bible I respect what you are saying. Homophobia is one of the most stupid things ever along with racism and I do not approve of it. To judge someone by their sexual preferences and skin tone is a sign of incredible idiocy and I do not approve. There is only one person that should judge you ultimately when it comes to being whatever you choose to be: and you won't meet him til you are dead. So live and let live...