Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance....Rewritten

Hello, all!  This is just gonna be a short post that shows just how smart and clever I can be *note the sarcasm*.  I've taken the liberty of rewriting the pledge of allegiance to fit what America will become should the GOP recapture the White House.

*hem, hem*

I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United Corporations of Consumerstan, and to the Plutocracy, for which it stands, one demagoguery, under Wall Street, infinitely divisible, with poverty and injustice for all.

There.  Am I not brilliant? =D


  1. "I pledge allegiance to the almighty dollar and the unlimited political donations for which it stands. One nation, under corporate control, with poverty and corporate servitude for all."

  2. Well I will be following you now. Also I have to go take my medicine because this depressed me with it's raw truth. No that wasn't sarcasm: I really do take medication and that was depressingly true.
